
Windows font shown corruption

After the Windows update for KB3013455, the font display may become corrupted, the fonts might be showing unclearly too fat or too skinny with jags and dots. This would also happen when you are typing in some applications like Word, Excel and etc..

Impact on Users
The colleagues using Windows Vista with SP2, Windows server 2003 and Windows server 2008 will be affected.

You may refer to the following links for more information:




(FIXED) indexing option error - Intel Rapid Storage Technology grayed out

(FIXED) indexing option error -

 Intel Rapid Storage Technology

The symptoms and error codes all pointed to installing (updating) the Intel Rapid Storage Technology RAID Driver.

The first time I tried installing the driver there was no change. I found a more current driver version tried again, rebooted twice and Windows accepted/installed the driver. After a third reboot windows update and the Troubleshooter was working.

The manufacturer of your computer (you didn't say) may require a similar driver if not the Intel Rapid Storage RAID Driver so you may want to start with them and find out what they use. 

Thanks -- that was excellent and exactly the problem!  Makes you wonder why this information isn't on more sites (this is like the 5th or 6th I've tried).

I was able to use an intel tool to determine my chipset, and even though the Rapid Storage Technology RAID Driver was not pre-installed on my system, it was pretty easy to find the latest version that would work on my system and, while you were right, it took two reboots, it fixed every part of the problem with search and indexing.

It MAY have made my computer a bit slower, or it may be my imagination, or it may even be the indexing service I worked so hard to get back... :)






1. 穿著太暴露:你要去蒲都唔係揀今日啦!第一次見面就低胸露背露腰,鐵定被對方父母列入黑名單。打扮予人第一印象,記得穿著打扮要得體大方。

2. 沒有主動打招呼:過門就是客,最基本禮節是「uncle/antie」或「叔叔/阿姨」來稱呼對方父母,禮貌性的寒暄問候,才不會讓你的好感度被扣分。

3. 兩手空空去拜訪:就算愛人說「唔洗啦!」,你都唔能夠兩手空空就去拜訪對方父母,送個見面禮能讓你的印象加分,至於送什麼是其次,心意才是最重要。最好是進門坐好,再拿出禮物放在桌上,邊介紹禮物內容,邊帶動聊天話題。

4. 一直看電視或低頭玩手機:對聊天的內容沒有興趣,只顧著做自己的事,會令人覺得你冷漠和沒禮貌。簡單準備幾個聊天的話題,就能極速破冰,拉近彼此的距離。

5. 遲到:沒時間觀念=犯了約會大忌,如果遇到突發狀況會遲到的話,一定要先打電話通知對方大概晚多久,免得讓人家苦等。約好飲茶敬請早點去取位子。


Open the Local Group Policy Editor

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
You can open the Local Group Policy Editor by using the command line or by using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

To open the Local Group Policy Editor from the command line

  • Click Start , type gpedit.msc in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER .

To open the Local Group Policy Editor as an MMC snap-in

  1. Open MMC. (Click Start , click in the Start Search box, type mmc , and then press ENTER .)
  2. On the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in .
  3. In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, click Group Policy Object Editor , and then click Add .
  4. In the Select Group Policy Object dialog box, click Browse .
  5. Click This computer to edit the Local Group Policy object, or click Users to edit Administrator, Non-Administrator, or per-user Local Group Policy objects.
  6. Click Finish .

I have a small computer lab set up. It is half Mac and half Windows. On the Macs, I am using the built-in parental controls to stop users from changing printing preferences. However, on the Windows machines, users (for whatever reason) keep trying to add network printers. Unfortunately, there are other printers on the network that are only for staff. Is there a way (using built-in or third-party software) to require the user to input an administrator password before adding/removing printers?

On the workstations (or on the domain controller if there is one) you will need to change this Group Policy:
User Configuration--> Administrative Templates --> Control Panel --> Printers --> Prevent addition of printers --> Enable
This is what it does. Keep in mind that it does not prevent them from craftily using PowerShell or NET USE to add the printer.
Prevents users from using familiar methods to add local and network printers.
This setting removes the Add Printer option from the Start menu. (To find the Add Printer option, click Start, click Printers, and then click Add Printer.) This setting also removes Add Printer from the Printers folder in Control Panel.
Also, users cannot add printers by dragging a printer icon into the Printers folder. If they try, a message appears explaining that the setting prevents the action.
However, this setting does not prevent users from using the Add Hardware Wizard to add a printer. Nor does it prevent users from running other programs to add printers.
This setting does not delete printers that users have already added. However, if users have not added a printer when this setting is applied, they cannot print.
Note: You can use printer permissions to restrict the use of printers without specifying a setting. In the Printers folder, right-click a printer, click Properties, and then click the Security tab.
If this policy is disabled, or not configured, users can add printers using the methods described above.


windows update problem

windows update problem

Follow the steps below whether it can help you,

Stopping the Windows Update service temporary in command services.msc
Rename or Deleting the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder
Opening Windows Update and clicking Check for updates

If above all fail, you need to clone the PC.




先花10秒鐘 想一下,
你認為,公司請你來  是要你做什麼?

公司請你來,並不是來 "工作",

而是來 "解決問題"!

公司 請你來解決問題, 而不是製造問題



所以,問題 就是你的 機會


不要 遇到困難 就想離開團隊,否則你要從零做起








優秀的領導,不是讓別人舒服! 而是...




4、凡事想方法 逼出員工真能力,




那麼 領導人的你,該做什麼?


(本篇文章編輯自 馬雲 及郭台銘語錄)


TurboJet to Macau Booking

中港城中國客運碼頭一樓 06:30 - 22:30 (3號舖)


Natural Cleaners and 15 Uses for Baking Soda

15 Uses for Baking Soda and Natural Cleaners

Baking Soda has its uses in the kitchen, from deodorizing the fridge to cooking, but did you know it has hundreds of great uses, all over the house? Here are just a few!

  • Comb Cleaning: Scrubbing combs with baking-soda-and-water paste makes them squeaky clean.
  • No More Itch: Baking-soda-and-water paste is great for relieving any kind of itch, from sunburn to bug bites. You can also soak in a baking soda water bath for whole body itch relief!
  • Pipe Volcano: Do you remember adding baking soda and vinegar together to make a volcano in school? Well, adding those two ingredients to a toilet bowl or sink once a month will keep the pipes cleaner. The foaming and bubbling of these two ingredients act like scrubbing bubbles, cleaning away grime to prevent future clogs.
  • Wash Your Fruit: Make sure the fruit you bring home from the store is dirt- and pesticide-free by soaking them in a cool bath with a few tablespoons of baking soda.
  • Car Cleaning: Baking soda and water made into a paste will take bugs and grime off of your vehicle without damaging the paint.
  • Save Your Tupperware: Is your tupperware tinted orange from the spaghetti you had a few days ago? Scrub the inside with baking soda paste and watch it disappear!
  • Stains On Coffee Mugs? Fill them with a bit of baking soda and warm water; the stains will come right off after an hour-long soak.
  • Keep Those Cut Flowers Longer: A teaspoon of baking soda in your cut flowers will make them last longer.
  • No More Stinky Shoes: Sprinkle a tiny pinch of baking soda in the bottom of stinky shoes to pull out the odor. No more feet smell!
  • A Clean Toothbrush: Soak your toothbrush in a mix of baking soda and water for a few hours to make sure your brush is clean. A clean brush means a clean mouth!
  • Windshield Wiper: Add a little baking soda to the bucket of windshield cleaner before scrubbing the glass off. It will help to repel rain in the future.
  • Bugs Away: Sprinkle a little in the back of cabinets and in the basement to keep roaches out of your house.
  • Cleaner Dishes: Add a tablespoon to the dishwasher or dishwater for cleaner dishes with less scrubbing!
  • No Scuff Shoes: Rub the outside of your shoes with baking soda and water paste for a shiny, new-looking shoe!
  • No More Crayon Marks: Next time the kids decide to use your wall as a canvas, erase those stubborn crayon marks from the walls without damaging paint with baking soda and water!
Formula of Natural Cleaner
Tile Cleaner
Vinegar (1/2 Cup) + Water (4.5L)
Wooden Floor Cleaner
Vinegar (2 Cups) + Water (4.5L)
Wooden Object Brightener
Olive Oil : Vinegar = 3:1
Carpet Cleaner
Baking Soda (Apply on carpet and vacuum after half day)
Carpet Odor Absorbent
Soak the carpet in vinegar overnight then clean with warm water
Stainless Steel Utensil Cleaner
Baking Soda : Vinegar = 3:1
Basin Cleaner
Baking Soda : Vinegar = 3:1
Dish Cleaner
Used oil soap or camellia powder
Range Hood Cleaner
Baking Soda : Vinegar = 3:1
Ditch De-obstructer
Baking Soda : Vinegar = 2:1
Leather Cleaner
Olive Oil (3tsp) + Lemon Juice (1 piece) + Brandy (1tsp) Þ Wrap leather with wet cloth
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Vinegar (1/2 Cup) + Water (4.5L)