
Setup GMail with Microsoft Exchange on your iPad, iPhone 4 and iPod Touch

如果您有一個GMail帳戶,并且您需要sync您的聯絡和日曆從GMail,則最佳事例是Microsoft Exchange。 這樣,您能得到所有您的 push Mail、sync 聯絡和日曆所有。 小心這個設定快速地將排泄您的電池比通常。
現在Gmail sync與您的聯絡和日曆,而前面,它只做電子郵件。 GMail也下載所有您的文件夾您在GMail設定了以您的桌面瀏覽器,并且您iPhone將顯示那些文件夾,如,好像您使用您的個人計算機或Mac瀏覽器。
1. 點擊設置>郵件,聯絡,日曆>增加帳戶
If you have a GMail Account and you need to sync your Contacts and Calendars from GMail, then the best bet would be Microsoft Exchange. This way, you can get all your E-Mail Push, Contacts and Calendars all sync. Beware though, this setup will drain your battery faster than usual.
Gmail now sync with your Contacts and Calendars, whereas before, it only does E-mail. GMail also downloads all your folder that you have set up in GMail with your Desktop Browser and you iPhone will display those folder like as if you are using your PC or Mac Browser.
1. Click on Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar > Add Account

2. 點擊微軟交換(非常頂面按鈕)
 3。 進入您的GMail地址
4。 留下領域空白
5。 輸入用戶名,不用@gmail.com
 6。 輸入密碼
7。 點擊其次在鍵盤,直到服務器箱子出來。
8. 在服務器箱子,入 m.google.com

2. Click on Microsoft Exchange (Very Top Button)
3. Enter your GMail Address
4. Leave Domain Blank
5. Enter Username without the @gmail.com
6. Enter Password
7. Click on Next on the Keyboard until the Server box comes out.
8. In the Server Box, enter m.google.com


9. 點擊保存,并且在兩三分鐘,您的聯絡從GMail在您的iPhone/iPhone 4/iPod接觸或iPad應該出現。
到目前為止它運作偉大為我,雖然它一樣快速地不是,像我認為它是,但它比手工刷新您的電子郵件確定地好。 這工作wih iPad。 請跟隨同樣設置從上述。 測試與我的iPad。 4被設定的iPhone沒有不同的比在iPhone 3GS用IOS 4和測試在IOS 4與iPod接觸和iPhone 4。
9. Click Save and in a couple of minutes, your Contacts from GMail should show up on your iPhone/iPhone 4/iPod Touch/iPad.
So far it works great for me, though it’s not as fast as I thought it would be, but it’s definitely better than refreshing your email manually. This work wih iPad as well. Just follow the same settings from above. Tested with my iPad. iPhone 4 Setup is no different than on the iPhone 3GS with IOS 4 and tested on IOS 4 with iPod Touch and iPhone 4.


Creating A Bootable WinPE 2.0 USB Key

Windows Preinstallation Environment (PE) 2.0 is a slimed down version of Windows (hence all the MiniNT references) that used to be the exclusive domain of OEM's providers. Microsoft has wisely chosen to offer this to the masses as part of the Windows AIK. USB keys can be found just about anywhere these days for next to nothing. Combine the capabilities of WinPE with the portability of a USB key and you just made a very powerful troubleshooting, imaging, and data recovery tool. Here is a quick step by step on how to do just that:
Step 1. ) Get USB Key
You probably already have a few and if not you can purchase these just about anywhere, so I won't tell you where to get one. You should get a USB 2.0 device of at least 512mb in size, but if you plan on putting a lot into a custom PE install or plan on using it to transfer data too then you are better served getting a larger size (2.0-4.0GB)
Step 2.) Download and Install the Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK)
This deployment oriented tool set contains Windows PE 2.0.
Step 3.) Format the USB key
Note: This must be done from Windows Vista
Start a command prompt and run the following. This set of commands assumes your USB key is detected as disk 1, you should double check that by doing a list of the disks before cleaning it. If you have multiple hard drives you could end up wiping your second drive using this command. You have been warned.
select disk 1
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=fat32
Step 4.) Setup Windows PE
In this step you will create and customize WinPE for your disk. From the machine that you installed the Windows AIK go to the start menu and select "Windows PE Tools Command Prompt" from under the Windows AIK program folder.
Run Copype.cmd x86 c:\winpe_x86
you can create an 64-bit version by changing the architecture from x86 to amd64
Add customizations to WinPE
copy any tools you want available to the C:\winpe_x86\iso folder such as imaging tools if you want to use this for capturing images (imagex, wimscript.ini)
Step 5 .) Copy Windows PE to USB Key
Insert the USB key into the machine that you have WinPE on and run the following command to copy the contents to the USB Key
xcopy c:\winpe_x86\iso\*.* /s /e /f e:\
change c: to reflect the drive your files on and e: to be your USB key.
There you have it...a quick way to make a handy USB version of WinPE that you can take with you anywhere. These can be used in almost any modern computer that supports USB booting. More information on this and other great things you can do with Windows PE are located in the Windows AIK.



豬血因殺豬時流在地上再從水溝回收也滿髒 ,
豬肺也是不太能食用 (朋友告訴我的)。
豬要送去殺前一星期會先停用抗生素,不然肉色會像黑青似的,賣不出去 !
「 現在的豬沒有不吃抗生素長大的,養豬大概只要花半年的時間就可賣了, 豬農為了怕豬生病 ,所以都把抗素加 在豬飼料裡 。
有沒有想過,一包水餃100粒也不過才100元左右,扣除運費、機器廠房折舊費、 管銷費用、廣告費等等,每顆水餃的 原料能剩多少錢買?
所以通常水餃的肉是包豬脖子肉 。豬 脖子肉有什麼 特點?
吃過 雞脖子的時候仔細看看,脖子皮裡面都會有一粒一粒的, 裡面的東西 鬆鬆軟軟的,通常媽媽都會要我們把皮丟掉,因為那個很髒 。
如果看過的人就知道,那是 一隻雞最可怕的地方,因為雞的垃圾都是積在裡面。
同樣的 豬脖子肉也是一樣,動物的脖子是淋巴最多的地方,病毒都會在那兒 。
吃多了豬脖子肉, 會破壞人的免疫系統(因為豬吃了太多抗生素) 為了您的健康, 請少吃冷凍水餃 。 (肉圓、湯圓等絞肉做的食品最好都少吃,外面為了節 ;省成本,都是買豬脖子這種便宜又大碗的肉做的)
PS .末梢神經是最容易積存身體髒東西的地方 , 所以雞頭、雞腳、內臟 最好都不要吃。



“婚姻”這兩個字對男人來說,肯定會有不同的解讀。然而就一個女人而言,誰從小到大沒幻想過浪漫的婚禮?誰沒幻想過身著白紗的模樣?誰沒幻想過自己的白馬王子會是誰? 等到那一天真正來臨,妳化身成為童話故事裡的公主,挽著身邊的王子,伴著結婚進行曲步入禮堂,接受眾人的祝福。那一刻,舞台上的聚光燈只投射在你們身上,似乎全世界是為你們而轉,你們倆是唯一的主角。小時候做過多少王子與公主的美夢,在這一剎那全部實現。婚禮過後,褪下美麗白紗,絢麗歸於平淡。世界依然轉著,只不過它不是單單為妳而轉。妳成為百千萬個平凡家庭的其中之ㄧ。開始共同生活,才是考驗的開始。兩個不同生活習慣的人,摸索著、適應著,以愛情為地基,學習用包容做樑、善解為牆,攜手打造一個屬於自己的家。然而在構築溫馨小窩的過程中,免不了意見相左。你有你的想法,我有我的堅持,爭執爭吵在所難免。有時候不小心拆了包容樑、毀了善解牆,更甚者傷了愛情地基。風風雨雨過後,畢竟家還是要建立的。於是溝通、於是妥協,嘻笑怒罵隨風去,再度攜手合作,接著決定為家注入新生命,增添家的完整性,所以孩子誕生了。有了孩子,又是另一個關卡的考驗。不同生長背景的兩人也許有著截然不同的教養觀點。當孩子啼哭了,抱是不抱?抱了是寵亦或不抱是狠?所有枝微末節的小事都令兩人得重新培養默契再達成協議,才能在孩子面前擁有一個共同的原則。漸漸孩子長大,依賴爸爸黏著媽媽,要得到爸爸媽媽完整的愛與時間。王子與公主此時早已忘了他們的身分,盡力配合孩子的需求,而他們之間的愛情,早已被柴米油鹽生活瑣事淹沒埋藏在某處。但此時的空氣中,卻充滿濃濃的“家”味,那是愛情昇華的味道─親情。 王子與公主還存在嗎?還在!他們只是暫時隱藏身分,等到孩子羽翼豐滿,各自組成自己的家庭時,他們就會恢復身分,挽著手在黃昏夕陽下散步,一起度過剩下的人生。只是在那之前,還有一道道的關卡等著他們去挑戰,直到他們變回王子與公主的那一天。



愛一時容易,愛一生一世卻不容易 愛一個人…… 要了解,也要開解;
是慰問,而不是質問; 是傾訴,而不是控訴;
是難忘,而不要遺忘; 是彼此交流,而不是凡事交代;
以上都做到了,即使不再走在一起, 也只有懷念,而不是懷恨。